Showcase Your Technology Innovations RESETTING The Industry Benchmark.

MasterReset is designed to drive THOUGHT LEADERSHIP conversations around Tech adoption and benefits across different business functions by engaging Tech Solution Leaders.


Why Master RESET?

MasterReset is an Exclusive Thought leadership Platform in Partnership with Times Now for Business Leaders, CXOs, and Entrepreneurs. The core purpose is designed to drive thought leadership conversations around Tech adoption and benefits across different business functions by engaging the top Technology Leaders.

The conversation covers solution success stories, deep customer insight/experience, and knowledge dissemination around using specific technology(eg. AI, ML, Cloud-computing, etc) to overcome business challenges.

4 Pillars of the Platform are:

Thought Leadership Using CX
Gratify Your Existing Client
Narrate Your Success Story
Brand Awareness

Tell Your Success Stories to India’s Top Business Decision Makers


IT Decision Makers



Master Reset Journey

Featured Key Opinion Leaders and Brands on Master RESET

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    Contact us

    BizAnekdotes is a Specialized B2B agency, ProducedAward wining community platform. We’d love to talk about all things marketing.

    Phone Number: +91 9810120493

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